Thursday, March 14, 2019


I started playing this game when I was SEVEN. I have known about this game for more than half my life. I just logged in on for a few minutes (the longest amount of time I've been on there for 11+ months) and got hit with nostalgia. I remember being so excited when Appondale and Mt. Shiveer  and elephants were released- don't even get me started on the oceans! I remember everyone waiting for more Animal Jam lore and getting frustrated with the lack of it. I remember when trading wasn't even a thing and scamming was everywhere. It was so ridiculous. This game was my life when I was seven to ten.

It's nice to come back to it sometimes and see how it's doing.

I am still wondering where Club Geoz (Gioz?) is. I want my dance floor. Also, the game has been, and still is, extremely laggy. Good to know some things never change.

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