Monday, September 30, 2013


 Well, hey Jammers. I haven't posted on here in forever's getting to be Halloween, my favorite holiday, and it is also fall, which is my favorite season, so I thought that it would be nice to come back for a little bit, though I don't know how long. Maybe a week, maybe a month, maybe the whole fall season...who knows! But anyway, there's a new Phantom Adventue called "The Hive"... and there's the Phantom King involved in this one, apparently! o.o
So apparently Elephants are coming back now. I wish that maybe they would come back available for all Jammers, not just Members. And anyway, the Pet Tarantulas are coming back soon. I really like the Tarantula pets, so all I need now is a membership... xP
Night of The Phantoms is probably my favorite time on AJ, too, since it looks all spooky in Jamaa and...well, it relates to Halloween and Fall, of course! Also, notice that it says "and maybe even a SECRET or two!" I wonder what this could mean, huh? O.o Also, bats are coming back, yadayadayada, Well, I've always like the bats, since the accessories you can put on them are really cool, like...making them into a cupcake. x3
And they've also came out with the Adventure Map feature, which will hopefully be actually useful when adventuring. :3 And there's a new animal coming out...hmmm...wonder what it could be. They didn't mention spirit stones at all though e.o Like, couldn't they have said that the alphas had found another spirit stone...?
The Haunted Mansion den is coming back, which I guess will be fun. Halloween Parties galore! x3 And the two parties; the Spooky Party and the Haunted Forest Party are coming back. I like both of the parties, but I prefer the Spooky Party over the Haunted Forest one.
Like every year, the Phantom Vortex is coming back. The first year that I joined, what you could get was a Scarecrow. The newest item is a "Heavy Phantom Statue", and it is shown below with the "Tall Phantom Statue" which you could get, I believe, last year. You need to play to level five to get the Heavy Phantom Statue, and complete level five. Then you will get it.
Tall Phantom Statue and Heavy Phantom Statue

And...blahblahblah AJBDAY3 is the code that will get you Animal Jam's third birthday cake thing, blahblahblah Back To School Pack leaving Animal Jam Outfitters in two weeks blahblahblah. Just a reminder, go to the AJ Birthday party while you can, and chow down on all the sweets there! x3
And now everything is no longer fall themed, but...Halloween-Themed! As you can see there are phantoms everywhere, and Jack-o-Lanterns too! The lighting has darkened, and the big phantom has replaced Mira for now.
There are also Halloween Lights, and a Phantom seems to have sneaked it's way into my photo here, and at the top of the screenshot, there's also a bat. :3
And here's the middle of Jamaa Township, with all those Jammers flopping around. xDDD

Also, the water fountain has changed to have a spooky house in it. The Halloween decorations that are placed around Jamaa Township are pretty cool, or at least that's my opinion. It looks all spooky and awesome. x3

At the Jamaa Derby, there's one of the phantom portals. As you can see there are also a few gravestones around the game, and the three ghost item is also over at the Pillow Room. :3
I'm not sure why I put a mustache in this post, probably because it was a new item, so I's a mustache. Wear it with pride. *Puts one on your face* xDD
Yeah...I don't know... so don't ask.
Also, in the Phantom Vortex, I just realized that it looks like there are four phantoms...that's pretty awesome... o.o

Bye. :3
-- Jenny7

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